Add the WDS Role
1. From Server Manager (ServerManager.exe) > Local Server.
2. Manage > Add Roles and Features.
3. Next.
4. Next.
5. Next.
6. Select ‘Windows Deployment services’ > Next > It will ask to install some other features let it do so.
7. Next.
8. Next.
9. Accept the default (both roles) > Next.
10. Install.
Configure the WDS Server
11. From the Start menu > Launch the Windows Deployment Services management console.
12. Expand servers > Right click the server name > Configure Server.
13. Read the prerequisites > Next.
14. Next.
15. Select the location where you want to store your images and keep the WDS files.
16. Note: In this case it’s warning me NOT to use the C:\ drive, as this is just a test server I will accept the warning and leave it as it is. In production environments make sure you are using a different drive/volume.
17. This particular server IS a DHCP server, but we will address the DHCP requirements when we are finished > Next.
18. I’m going to choose ‘Respond to all (known and unknown)’ > Next.
19. WDS should configure and the service SHOULD start.
20. Here we can see the service has not started (the server will have a small stop symbol on it).
21. So I need to manually start the service.
Adding Image Groups and Images
22. Firstly I’m going to create an group that will hold all my Windows 8 Client machine images. Right click Install Images > Add Image Group.
Adding a boot image (To send an image to a remote machine)
24. Now I need to add a boot image, so I can boot my remote clients form the WDS server and use this image to load WindowsPE on them, so they can be imaged. Right click Boot Images > Add Boot Image.
25. You can use either a Windows 8 DVD or a Windows Server 2012 DVD, you will need to navigate to the sources directory, and locate Boot.wim > Open.
26. Next.
27. Rename the image ‘Capture an Image’ > Enter a description > Next.
28. Next.
29. The Image will be imported.
30. Finish.
Adding a Capture Image (To take an image from a remote machine)
31. Right click the image we have just added > Create Capture Image.
32. Call this one ‘Capture an Image’ > Give it a description > Save the image (with a .wim extension). Note: It does not matter where you save the image, but I would suggest somewhere in the ‘Remote Install’ folder > Next.
33. The image will be created.
34. Finish
35. Now even through we have created the capture image, we still need to import it. Right click > Add Boot Image.
36. Select the capture image you created earlier > Next.
37. Make sure it’s called ‘Capture and Image’ > Next.
38. Next.
39. Now the capture image will be imported into WDS.
40. Finish.
Configure DHCP with WDS Options
41. Launch the DHCP management console.
42. Open the active scope > IPv4 > Server Options > Configure Options.
44. Tick Option 67 > Set its value to;
Apply OK
45. Now you are ready to capture an image of your reference Windows 8 machine.
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Before you start, make sure that the machine you are imaging has PLENTY of room on one of its local drive(s), because it copies the image locally, before it sends it to WDS.
Place Your Reference Windows 8 Machine in Audit Mode
To put all the software on your reference machine and configure it how you like, the machine needs to be in ‘Audit Mode’ before you start. There are TWO ways to put the machine into audit mode.
Note: While a machine is in audit mode, it will log on automatically as the Administrator, and every time the machine boots sysprep will launch (in anticipation of you needing it).
Option 1: A Newly Built Machine
1. When you have first built the Windows 8 machine, you will see the screen below, PressCTRL+SHIFT+F3, the machine will automatically reboot and enter audit mode.
Option 2: You Are Already in Windows
2. You can also put a Windows 8 machine into audit mode by running the sysprep executable with the /audit switch.
3. Once in Audit mode, install all the program and configure all the settings you want in your master image. When you are happy run the sysprep program, (Or simply reboot, as sysprep launches at every boot when you are in audit mode).
4. Tick the ‘Generalize’ option, select either shutdown or reboot, (If you choose reboot make sure the machine is ready to pXe boot from the network, and the boot order has the NIC BEFORE the hard drive, or sysprep will start and rebuild the machine before it’s imaged).
5. Sysprep will run, and shutdown or reboot as requested.
6. When the machine boots press F12 to boot from the WDS server.
7. Note: Now you can see why (in part one) we called the boot image ‘Capture an Image’ and the capture ‘Capture an Image’. Select the capture option.
8. WindowsPE will run at the welcome screen > Next,
Note: If the process fails at this point, usually it’s because the network card driver for this machine IS NOT in the boot image.
9. Select the volume that you want to image, (Note: It will NOT be C: that’s reserved, usually it’s D:) > Give the image a name, this is the name you will see in the WDS console, and when you are imaging the target machines > Enter a comment/description > Next.
10. Browse.
11. Navigate to a local drive, and give the image a name with a .wim extension > Save.
13. Supply credentials to log onto the WDS server > OK.
14. Once authenticated you can select the image group we setup in part one > Next.
15. The image will be created on the reference machine.
16. Then it will be uploaded to the WDS Server.
17. When complete click Finish. At this point the reference machine will reboot and rebuild itself.
18. Back in the Windows Deployment Services management console yo will see the image you have just uploaded in your image group.
Note: Sometimes it can take a while to appear, be patient!
Download and Install the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit for Windows 8
1. We used to have the WAIK for Windows 7, now this has been replaced with the ADK. (download link).
2. It’s a MASSIVE download, it will take a long time.
Create a WDS Distribution Share
1. On a drive that has some room (Approx 5GB should be fine,) create a folder.
2. Launch the System Image Manager.
3. In the top left section > Right click ‘Select a Distribution Share’ > Select ‘Create Distribution Share..’
4. Navigate to the folder you created earlier.
5. Now you don’t need to do this next part, but I copy the full contents of the Windows 8 DVD into this folder as well.
6. Like so.
7. Then in the bottom left section > Right click > ‘Select Windows Image..’.
8. Navigate to the Windows 8 Media > Sources Directory > Select ‘install.wim’.
Note: The install.wim MUST match the version you are going to deploy, it’s no good pointing to a Windows 8 Pro image if you are going to deploy Windows 8 Enterprise.
9. Select the version you are going to deploy > OK.
10. This is normal, select yes to create a catalog file. It will take a while, it has to mount the image, interrogate it and create all the components. Now would be a good time to put the kettle on.
Create the Unattended file for WDS (WDSUnattended.xml)
This unattended file will be just for the WDS settings, it will not be applied to the image you are going to deploy. It sets the keyboard and language settings for WDS to use, then it gives the credentials to connect to WDS, and wipes all the partitions from the target machines hard drive. It then repartitions it ready for deployment.
WARNING: As reiterated below, the disk configuration settings below will wipe the target machines drive of ALL partitions, even manufacturers rescue partitions. If you are imaging machines anyway this should not be a problem, but don’t email me to complain of you lose the recovery files for a laptop/PC while you were practicing!
1. Create a new answer file.
2. The components may not start amd64 (if you are deploying x86 images) and some of the numbers might be different on yours. But the main titles of the components will be the same. Locate Microsoft-Windows-Internationa-Core-WinPE.
2. Add it to Pass 1. If you are unfamiliar with SIM, you add a component (or a sub component) to one of the ‘Passes’ in the center, then you can select that component (or sub component) and set the values for its settings in the top right hand section. The SIM builds an XML file in the background which will become the unattended answer file.
3. You will now see this component under pass 1, select it and set the following settings. (These are for my local English Great Britain settings, you may need to change your settings according to your locale).
InputLocale = en-GB
SystemLocale = en-GB UILanguage = en-GB UILanguageFallback = en-GB UserLocale = en-GB
4. Select the SetupUILanguage sub component
UILanguage = en-GB
Wiping the Targets Hard Drive and Partitions with WDS
5. Locate the Microsoft-Windows-Setup component > Disk Configuration sub component
6. Add to Pass 1.
7. Right click > Insert New Disk.
8. Expand > Disk > Create Partitions > Right click > ‘Insert New CreatePartition’.
9. Select the DISK.
Disk ID = 1
WillWipeDisk = true
10. Select the Partition.
Extend = true
Order = 1 Type = Primary
11. Right click ModifyPartition > Insert New ModifyPartition.
12. With the new ModifyPartition selected.
Action = AddlistItem
Active = true Extend = false Format = NTFS Label = SYSTEM Letter = C Order = 1 PartitionID = 1 Select Partition to install Image to
1. Locate the WindowsDeploymentService sub component, (also in Microsoft-Windows-Setup).
2. Add to Pass 1.
3. Expand Image Selection > Install To.
Disk ID = 0
PartitionID = 1
4. Expand Login > Credentials.
Domain = {Your domain name i.e. would be PETENETLIVE).
Password = {Of a user with administrative rights - IT WILL GET ENCRYPTED). Username = {Of a user with administrative rights). Attach the Answerfile to the WDS Server
1. Save the file you have just created.
2. Place it in your Remoteinstall folder in the WdsClientUnattend sub folder.
3. Launch the Windows Deployment Services management console > Expand Servers > Right click your server > Properties.
4. Client tab > Tick to enable unattended installation > I’m deploying x64 bit images so next to that option > Browse.
5. Navigate to and select the file you have just created > Open > Apply > OK.
Create the Unattended file for Your Image (OOBEUnattend.xml)
1. Create a new answer file.
2. Locate the Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup component
3. Add to Pass 4.
4. With the component selected.
ComputerName = *
CopyProfile = true (Unless you don’t want to copy the profiles from your source image). ProductKey = Your 25 character Windows 8 unlock code
Note: Only put in a code of you are deploying with MAK keys or Retail Keys, if you are planning on using KMS leave this option blank
RegisteredOrganization = Your business name.
RegisteredOwner = Your owners name. ShowWindowsLive = false {now depreciated for Windows 8} TimeZone = GMT Standard Time
Note: For other time zones see here
Automatically Join the Domain
1. Locate the Microsoft-Windows-UnattendedJoin component
2. Add to Pass 4.
3. With Identification selected.
JoinDomain = {Your domain name i.e. would be PETENETLIVE).
UnsecureJoin = true Set the Image Language and Keyboard Settings
4. Locate the Microsoft-Windows-International-Core component
5. Add to Pass 7.
6. With the component selected.
InputLocale = en-GB
SystemLocale = en-GB UILanguage = en-GB UILanguageFallback = en-GB UserLocale = en-GB
7. Locate the Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup component > OOBE sub component
8. Add to Pass 7.
9. With the OOBE sub component selected.
HideEULAPage = true
HideLocalAccountScreen = true HideOnlineAccountScreen =true HideWirelessSetupInOOBE = true NetworkLocation = Work {sets the firewall settings} ProtectYourPC = 1 Set the Local Administrator Password and Add a Local Administrator
Note: The local admin account is disabled by default, so here I’m setting the local admin’s password, and then creating a new local admin user called Sysadmin.
1. Locate the Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup component > UserAccounts sub component
2. Add to Pass 7.
3. With AdmnistratorPassword selected set the password value.
4. Right click LocalAccounts > Insert New LoacalAccount.
5. With LocalAccount selected.
Action = AddListItem
Description = Sysadmin DisplayName = Sysadmin Group = Administrators Name = Sysadmin
6. Then set the password value.
7. Save the answer file.
8. Save the file as OOBEUnattand.xml
Attach the Answer file to the Windows 8 Image
1. Launch the Windows Deployment Services Management console.
2. Locate the Windows 8 Image you are attaching the answer file to > Right click > Properties.
3. Tick the option ‘Allow image to install in unattended mode’ > Select File > Browse.
4. Select the OOBEUnattend.xml file you created earlier.
5. Note: It makes a copy of the file and stores it elsewhere calling it ImageUnattend.xml (watch out for this if you need to edit the answer file and nothing changes!)
Deploy Your Windows 8 Image.
2. Install an Image.
3. Select the image you want to deploy.
4. After the install, the machine should reboot and present you with a domain logon.
5. And your programs and settings will be pre-configured.
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